Exercise 7

Mark the verbs in the following poem. Often in poetry words are omitted which in strict grammatical construction should be expressed. As for example in the fourth line of this poem which are, is omitted before the word bought. In prose this would read, The pews which are bought by the profits, etc. So the word bought is a part of the verb phrase, are bought. In the last line of the third stanza there is another omission before the word planning. The meaning is, while they are planning slaughter. Planning is a part of the verb phrase are planning. And in the last line is is omitted before the word beloved. Is beloved is the verb phrase. Determine whether the verbs in this poem are complete, transitive or copulative, and mark the objects and the complements of the transitive and the copulative verbs.


Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"Who is a Christian in this Christian land

Of many churches and of lofty spires?

Not he who sits in soft, upholstered pews

Bought by the profits of unholy greed,

And looks devotion while he thinks of gain.

Not he who sends petitions from the lips

That lie to-morrow in the street and mart.

Not he who fattens on another's toil,

And flings his unearned riches to the poor

Or aids the heathen with a lessened wage,

And builds cathedrals with an increased rent.

Christ, with Thy great, sweet, simple creed of love,

How must Thou weary of earth's "Christian" clans,

Who preach salvation through Thy saving blood

While planning slaughter of their fellow men.

Who is a Christian? It is one whose life

Is built on love, on kindness and on faith;

Who holds his brother as his other self;

Who toils for justice, equity and peace,

And hides no aim or purpose in his heart

That will not chord with universal good.

Though he be a pagan, heretic or Jew

That man is Christian and beloved of Christ."

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