Exercise 4

Underscore the nouns in the following:

How many abstract nouns?

How many concrete?

How many singular?

How many plural?


Charlotte Perkins Gilman

If fifty men did all the work

And gave the price to five;

And let those five make all the rules—

You'd say the fifty men were fools,

Unfit to be alive.

And if you heard complaining cries

From fifty brawny men,

Blaming the five for graft and greed,

Injustice, cruelty indeed—

What would you call them then?

Not by their own superior force

Do five on fifty live,

But by election and assent—

And privilege of government—

Powers that the fifty give.

If fifty men are really fools—

And five have all the brains—

The five must rule as now we find;

But if the fifty have the mind—

Why don't they take the reins?

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