Exercise 5

In the following poem, mark every noun and every verb and verb phrase. You will find the verb phrases in several places divided by the word not, as in I do not obey. Do obey is the verb phrase. We will learn to what part of speech not belongs a little later.


"Captain, what do you think," I asked,

"Of the part your soldiers play?"

The Captain answered, "I do not think—

I do not think, I obey."

"Do you think your conscience was meant to die,

And your brains to rot away?"

The Captain answered, "I do not think—

I do not think, I obey."

"Do you think you should shoot a patriot down,

And help a tyrant slay?"

The Captain answered, "I do not think—

I do not think, I obey."

"Then if this is your soldier's code," I cried,

"You're a mean, unmanly crew;

And with all your feathers and gilt and braid,

I am more of a man than you;

"For whatever my lot on earth may be

And whether I swim or sink,

I can say with pride, 'I do not obey—

I do not obey, I think.'"

—Ernest Crosby.

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