Exercise 5

In the following sentences draw a single line under the complete verbs and a double line under the incomplete verbs. Then determine whether the incomplete verbs are transitive or copulative verbs, and draw a line through the object or the complement.

1. Some plants are poisonous.

2. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

3. Perseverance brings success.

4. Delays are dangerous.

5. A man's actions show his character.

6. He looks well and feels stronger.

7. The snows come and the flowers fade.

8. Labor creates all wealth.

9. Labor must be free.

10. The boy writes well.

11. The man wrote a letter.

12. The skies are clear.

13. The hail destroyed the wheat.

14. No man is ever too old to learn.

15. Competition makes enemies.

16. Co-operation makes friends.

17. Competition breeds hatred.

18. Co-operation breeds good will.

19. Competition ensures war.

20. Co-operation ensures peace.

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