Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences by adding an object or a complement.

1. Perseverance in your study will bring.......

2. The great need of the working class is.......

3. We shall never acknowledge.......

4. By the sweat of no other's brow shalt thou eat.......

5. The Revolutionary fathers founded.......

6. The workers demand.......

7. Labor's only road to freedom is.......

8. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are.......

9. If you struggle, you will gain.......

10. An incomplete verb requires.......

11. The complement of a transitive verb is called.......

12. The complement of a copulative verb may be either......or.......

103. There are two classes of verbs, complete and incomplete.

A complete verb is one that requires no complement.

An incomplete verb is one that requires a complement to complete its meaning.

Incomplete verbs are of two kinds: 1. Those that express action; 2. Those that express state or condition.

Incomplete verbs that express action are called transitive verbs.

Incomplete verbs that express state or condition are called copulative verbs.

The complement or the word that denotes the receiver of the action expressed in a transitive verb is called the object.

The word or words that complete the meaning of a copulative verb are called the complement, or attribute complement.

The same verb may be complete or incomplete, according to the way in which it is used.

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